October 21, 2024
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Music Performance Trust Fund

The Music Performance Trust Fund  (MPTF) was established in 1948 as a nonprofit independent public service organization whose mission includes contributing to the public knowledge and appreciation of music, as well as making music a part of every child’s life experience. Headquartered in New York City, the tax-exempt MPTF, operating under section 501(c) 3 of the Internal Revenue Code, evolved from a landmark collective bargaining agreement between the American Federation of Musicians and the major recording companies of the day. Today the MPTF is a vital organization that brings music to the public and supplements the income of musicians, all at no cost to those receiving this precious gift of music.

Funded via a royalty stream from the signatory record labels, led by the three major labels, Sony Music Entertainment, Universal Music Group, and the Warner Music Group, the MPTF today presents thousands of live, admission-free musical programs annually in the United States and Canada. Under the terms of their agreement, the recording companies pay a royalty from the sale of sound recordings to the Fund. These funds are supplemented by co-sponsoring organizations and administered by a Trustee, who is independent of both the recording industry and the AFM.

The Mission of Music Performance Trust Fund: 

- To provide admission-free, live, quality music, performed by professional musicians to the public of all backgrounds throughout the United States and Canada. 
- We seek to enrich the lives of the general public, young and old, through music and to contribute to the public's knowledge and appreciation of music. 
- To make music and music education an exciting experience and to expand it to every child's life experience.
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