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-FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE- Musicians to once again speak out in favor of fair pay at SXSW at the Austin Music Commission meeting
-FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE-  Musicians to once again speak out in favor of fair pay at SXSW at the Austin Music Commission meeting
Posted Date: August 06 2023
August 6th 2023


Musicians to once again speak out in favor of fair pay at SXSW at the Austin Music Commission meeting, August 7th, 2023, 6:30pm, Austin City Hall.

The Austin Federation of Musicians AFM Local 433 has voted to officially endorse the Austin Parks & Rec Board’s Recommendation that the City of Austin Support Fair Pay for SXSW Performing Artists. Members of the local will be attending the Music Commission meeting to urge the commissioners to vote to adopt this resolution, without changes, and to not adopt alternative resolutions which maintain the status quo of SXSW’s privileged relationship with the city government, despite their exploitative labor practices towards musicians from around the world who play the festival.

AFM will be joined by advocates and representatives from UMAW (United Musicians and Allied Workers) and MWA (Music Workers Alliance) in calling for the Parks resolution to pass.

Link to Parks And Recreation Board Recommendation: https://services.austintexas.gov/edims/document.cfm?id=410682

Please direct questions to:
Austin Federation of Musicians
4818 E. Ben White Blvd.
Suite 106-B
Austin, TX 78741
P: 512-440-1414

More Photos

Local 433 Musicians Rally before Austin Parks and Recreation Board Meeting, June 26th 2023.

Austin Federation of Musicians leafleting, downtown Austin, during SXSW 2023.


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