November 4, 2024
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Popular Anti-Union Talking Points and How To Combat Them, A Citations Needed Podcast Episode
Popular Anti-Union Talking Points and How To Combat Them, A Citations Needed Podcast Episode
Posted Date: March 31 2023
Citations Needed is a fantastic media-criticism podcast that deals with how certain narrative frameworks are twisted
and/or reinforced to maintain and justify the political and economic status quo. On their most recent episode they
masterfully break down some of the most common anti-union talking points and discuss how to combat them and
other misunderstandings about unions. If you are interested in having organizing conversations with your fellow
musicians, promoting unionism among your friends, or just holding your own against your anti-union uncle around
the thanksgiving table, I highly recommend listening! "Citations Needed" is free-to-listen and can be found on your
favorite podcast platform. 

By Executive Board Member, Jeff Olson

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