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Unmployment Compensation Advisory Committee Begins Work
Unmployment Compensation Advisory Committee Begins Work
Posted Date: April 29 2020
AFM Local 433's Unemployment Compensation Advisory Committee will begin livestreaming an Interactive Panel Discussion on Friday, May 1st at 1pm on the Local's YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAPnRzKugcFlUcIfUKzfYwQ/

Questions from Musicians about Navigating the Texas Workforce Commission applications or about Unemployment Assistance in general may be emailed to ucac@afm433.com

From The Committee:
The goal of this session is to share our experiences, including trials and tribulations related to TWC, with other musicians in the state of Texas to aid in navigating the TWC application process. We are not experts in Unemployment Assistance, we are Musicians.

The Unemployment Compensation Advisory Committee are members of the Austin Federation of Musicians, Local 433 of the American Federation of Musicians AKA The Musicians' Union. Some work as contractor/1099 workers, others work as employee/W-2 workers in various aspects of the music industry.

Legal Disclaimer: The information contained herein does not constitute either legal advice or an official pronouncement or position of the Austin Federation of Musicians, but rather is only the personal opinion of the Panelists. The Panelists do not give legal advice or make official rulings on agency matters, should not be cited as authorities in any matter before the agency or when dealing with agency staff about a case, and must minimize their involvement with administrative processes. They also do not give legal advice on any other matter, and any information they give should not be used as a basis for taking any employment-related action. Before taking any employment action that could adversely affect an employee, or before using any sample form or policy you may obtain from this group, you should consult a licensed private-sector employment law attorney of your choice.

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